All our clients are given a Notice of Privacy Practices.
Although your health record is the physical property of our agency, the information belongs to you.
You have the right to:
Access to medical records: clients may review their medical records
Amendments to Medical Records: Clients may request a change in medical records.
Restrictions on the use of protected health information: clients have the right to restrict who has access to their health information as long as it doesn’t interfere with treatment, payment or operations
Access to accounting: clients have the right to know who has been given access to their protected health information.
Confidential communication: a client may request that information be transmitted in a confidential manner (such as no return address)
Complaints about violations of privacy: clients can file complaints about possible violations of privacy
Minimum necessary rule: You should only share or discuss the minimum amount of protected health information to get the job done.
Telephone requests for personal health information: agency will not provide information about its client over the phone. Client may request anonymity
E-mail and faxes: since these can be inadvertently sent to the wrong location, must have a disclaimer at the bottom.
Discarding personal health information: paper with client information will be properly destroyed. Do not take home any papers that contain patient information. Again, check the facility’s policy.
Hallway conversation: clients and their care should not be discussed in any public locations.
Accessibility of patient information: Client records should be stored so client information is not visible. Client records will be stored in locked cabinets.
Visit the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services for more information: